
  • June 06, 2019 11:48 AM | Anonymous

    SFO is hosting the Airport Minority Advisory Council’s (AMAC) Western Region Mixer on Friday, June 21st from 3:30 – 7 PM in the Louis A. Turpen Aviation Museum & Library.

    For more information and to RSVP, please visit this link.


    The Airport Minority Advisory Council (AMAC) is the only national, non-profit trade association dedicated to advancing the full participation of minority and women in employment and contracting opportunities throughout the aviation and aerospace industries. AMAC concentrates on eliminating barriers to minority and women participation in these industries and understands that diversity inclusion fuels innovation and is essential when developing airports of the future. AMAC brings together a diverse multi-dimensional group of airport operators, government officials, corporations and entrepreneurs who share in the vision and mission of AMAC.


    The Louis A. Turpen Aviation Museum & Library is located in the International Terminal, Departures Level, Adjacent to Boarding Area “A”. Parking is available at the International Terminal Garage A. Please bring your ticket with you for parking validation.

    Click here for more information and RSVP

  • May 17, 2019 10:41 AM | Anonymous

    The San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (District) is in the process of establishing its overall triennial DBE goal for Federal Fiscal Years 2020-2022. The District invites you to this public participation meeting to discuss information you may have concerning the availability of DBE’s or non-DBEs in BART’s market area. The District is also seeking your input on the methodology used to determine its triennial DBE goal for federally-assisted contracts.

    This meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 12, 2019, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM at the San Francisco Public Library, 100 Larkin St., Koret Auditorium, San Francisco, California 94102.

    If you cannot attend, your comments are still welcomed. Please email Office of Civil Rights Program Manager Joseph Towner at or Fax (510) 464-7585 with your comments/suggestions. Please include the following information with your comments:

    Your name

    Business/Organization name

    Comment regarding BART’s Triennial Goal or the methodology used to obtain the goal

    Other relevant comments

  • September 17, 2018 12:11 PM | Anonymous




    RFQ for Mission Rock: Phase 1

    Vertical and Horizontal Development (Pre-Construction)

    Mission Rock Partners LLC requires the services of qualified professionals (“Consultants”) to provide design and professional services for the Phase 1 – Horizontal Development and Vertical Development parcels.

    Project Description

    Mission Rock (the “Project”) is a landmark 3.8 million GSF mixed-use master development residing in San Francisco’s Mission Bay. The 28 acre, waterfront site is located across the channel from AT&T Park, home of the San Francisco Giants. The site includes Lot A, a surface parking lot used during events at AT&T Park; and Pier 48, three one-story industrial structures also used for parking and events.  

    Mission Rock: Phase 1 RFQ Scope:

    "China Basin" Park - 5.2-acre waterfront park

    Two (2) Office Parcels: 

    Parcel B: 274,750 GSF
    Parcel G: 303,064 GSF

    Two (2) Residential Parcels:

    Parcel A: 413,900 GSF: 411 Unit
    Parcel F: 323,775 GSF: 334 Units

    The RFQ and related documents can be found at:


    Pre-Submittal Workshop:

    (Attendance Optional)
    Date:  Friday, September 21st (2:00 to 5:00pm)

    Location:  1 South Van Ness, 2nd Floor, San Francisco CA 94103

    Includes Meet and Greet portion

     To RSVP for the Pre-Submittal Workshop, please visit the following link:

    RFQ Submittals Due:

    Tuesday, October 9th at 6:00PM PST

    Submission and Contact: Monica Wilson at

     Local Business Enterprises (LBEs), including MBE, WBE, and LGBT small and emerging firms are encouraged to submit qualifications.


    For information, please contact:

    Monica Wilson

    LBE Outreach Consultant

  • May 31, 2018 8:40 AM | Anonymous


    Dear Transportation Industry Stakeholder:

    The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is pleased to announce the release of its revised 2016 Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Disparity Study report and proposed overall FHWA Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goal and methodology for federal fiscal years 2019-2021.  Documents are now available for review on the Office of Business and Economic Opportunity’s (OBEO) web site at 2016disparitystudy.html.

    The OBEO will host a series of public comment meetings throughout the state to provide a forum for interested parties to ask questions and provide feedback regarding Caltrans’ proposed overall DBE goal and methodology.  These in-person meetings will occur the last two weeks of June. The OBEO will supplement its public comment meetings with two webinars.  Details regarding public comment meetings and webinars will be released shortly.

    If you wish to submit testimony but are unable to participate in a public comment meeting or webinar, please submit your written testimony via:


    United States mail: Caltrans Office of Business and Economic Opportunity, Attention: Mario Solis, 1823 14th Street, Sacramento, CA 95811

    Fax: (916) 324-1869

    The deadline to provide written testimony is 5:00 p.m. on Friday, June 29, 2018.

  • May 02, 2018 11:46 AM | Anonymous

    San Francisco Labor Laws for City Vendors

    A workshop for vendors doing business with the City and County of San Francisco

    Presented by the Office of Labor Standards Enforcement (OLSE)


    TUESDAY, MAY 15, 2018

    9:00 AM TO 12:00 PM

    This workshop is co-sponsored by the San Francisco International Airport, the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, and the San Francisco Department of Public Works.


    The purpose of the workshop is to help City vendors (prime and subcontractors) understand their responsibilities to comply with wage, healthcare, paid-time off and other requirements. The content will be of interest to human resource directors and/or compliance staff. During the workshop, OLSE staff will be available in the lobby for individual technical assistance consultations.


    The workshop will cover the following:

    ·              Minimum Compensation Ordinance

    ·              Health Care Accountability Ordinance

    ·              Prevailing Wage – 21C

    ·              Minimum Wage

    ·              Paid Sick Leave

    ·              Paid Parental Leave

    ·              Health Care Security Ordinance

    ·              Fair Chance Ordinance

    ·              Family Friendly Workplace Ordinance

    ·              Lactation in the Workplace

    ·              Consideration of Salary History


    The event takes place at the San Francisco Main Library, 100 Larkin St. (x-Grove), Koret Auditorium (lower level). Enter at 30 Grove St. and proceed downstairs. PLEASE: No food or beverages allowed in the auditorium.



    Beverly Popek

    (415) 554-6238

    Sign up for the MCO/HCAO Email Notification List at:

  • December 15, 2017 4:43 PM | Anonymous

    Asian American Architects and Engineers (AAAE) wishes to express our deepest sorrow and sadness about the passing of Mayor Edwin Lee. Mayor Lee has been a great long-time supporter and friend of AAAE and a longtime advocate for equal opportunities for minority and women owned firms. He has also inspired many Asian Americans for civil service and elected offices.

    Mayor Lee just spoke at our annual gala dinner last month about his vision and approaches to address affordable housing and needs for transportation infrastructure in the City and the region.

    We will miss him!

    Our deepest condolences to the Lee family.

  • September 08, 2017 12:23 PM | Anonymous

    Link to Eventbrite:

    "Poetic Place-Making" celebrates 40 years of ED2 International's award-winning architectural work. Featuring a display of some of the company's signature designs, this exhibit illustrates the harmonic confluence of art, space and collaboration. Discover the creative evolution of how a space becomes a meaningful place.

  • May 10, 2017 12:10 PM | Marlene Wong (Administrator)

    The San Francisco Airport Commission & Airport Director Ivar C. Satero cordially invite

    Industry Trade Associations and Chambers of Commerce to attend a presentation and luncheon


    San Francisco International Airport

    Wednesday, May 17, 2017

    11:00 am - 1:30 pm

    Aviation Museum

    International Terminal, Departures Level

    Adjacent to Boarding Area “A”

    Seating is limited and pre-registration is required.

    Please RSVP by May 10, 2017 to

    For more information, contact Dana Lang, Small Business Affairs Officer at (650) 821-5021.


    Parking will be validated. Use International Terminal Parking Garage A.

    Please bring your parking ticket with you.




    Kamal Hubbard
    Management Analyst | Social Responsibility and Community Sustainability
    San Francisco International Airport | P.O. Box 8097 | San Francisco, CA 94128
    Tel 650-821-5142 |

  • July 06, 2016 8:59 AM | Anonymous

    BART is seeking public comments: in compliance with FTA regulations, BART is posting BART's proposed FFY 2017-2019 Triennial DBE goal and methodology (Report) for 30 days beginning July 1. You can find the pdf of the Report on BART's website,

    BART also seeks comments which discuss the availability of DBEs or non-DBEs in BART's market area. If you think the availability differs from our Report, we want to know why that availability may differ from what is discussed in the Report.

    Please include the following information with your comments:

    * Your name

    * Name of your business or organization

    * Comment regarding BART's Triennial goal or the Methodology used to obtain the goal.

    * Other relevant comment

    The goal methodology report will be made available during regular business hours of 8:15 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, at BART Office of Civil Rights, 300 Lakeside Drive - 16th Floor, Oakland CA 94612 for public review and comments for 30 days from July 1, 2016 through July 29, 2016. Comments may be made to Tim Lohrentz by email:, or mail your written comments to the address above or fax your comments to (510) 464-7585.

  • June 20, 2016 4:07 PM | Anonymous

    The Authority has released an RFQ for Geotechnical Services in the Silicon Valley to Central Valley Line. The RFQ is for a three-year contract not to exceed $28 million. The scope of work includes drilling, trenching, laboratory and field testing, geophysical surveys and associated permits, traffic control, spoils handling, hazardous materials assessments, seismic analysis, assessment of tunneling conditions, foundations analysis, water table analysis, slope stabilization, subsurface investigation plan, and preparation of geotechnical data and fault crossing displacement reports.

    Please see the Pre-Bid notification here: HSR15_172_Geo_Tech_PreBidFlyer_062916.pdf

    More information related to the RFQ can be found here:


    Alice Rodriguez
    Small Business Advocate
    California High-Speed Rail Authority
    Cell: (916) 717-6076
    Office: (916) 330-5672

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